Don’t have time or budget to develop employees?
Need a flexible way of developing employees, relevant for those that don’t have the opportunity to be a part of full-days trainings?
Going though organizational transformation, but don’t know where to start?
In need of innovation?
Want to get ideas on how other organisations approach and solve similar challenges?
Counterpart is designed to be low-cost so that all interested parties can join.
Flexible and time-efficient
With an entirely remote structure and a time frame established by participants, Counterpart works around any schedule and gives opportunity for development even to those who usually don’t have that opportunity.
Innovation and knowledge sharing
Innovate, get new ideas and know-hows on how to solve old challenges from other organisations and branches directly through your employees.
Professional growth
On-the-job training and professional development of employees in any role at any level, function or sector.
Engaged and motivated employees
Counterpart participants get to discuss, brainstorm, collaborate, coach, give and get feedback. Networking with professionals with similar goals gives inspiration and increases motivation.
Deliberately matched participants
Careful assessment and matching of triads by experts in behavioral science and business acumen.
Our Process

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Counterpart Membership Fee
Counterpart Service Pricing
Is charged upon matching. Includes interview for Counterpart group matching, toolkit, facilitated introductory and follow-up session, membership in Counterpart Alumni Network.
What’s included:
- Matching of participants by our experienced assessors – experts in behavioral science and business acumen
- 2-3 facilitated sessions by EL consultants spaced throughout the process to ensure development
- Curated material from Edward Lynx to enhance learning, give background knowledge, and structure to sessions
- 10-12 sessions with the Counterpart group to discover new ways of working and opportunities for innovation, get feedback from a knowledgeable source, and learn new perspectives
- Membership in the Counterpart Alumni Network to support further development and work-related networking

About Edward Lynx
- International Management Consulting company headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden
- 20+ years of experience with Scandinavian and global firms in a variety of sectors
- Highly diverse consultants with expertise in psychology and psychotherapy, management, finance, HR, language, and more